eagleboost Blog


Implicit boxing in System.Array.IndexOf

1. The Problem I was fixing some performance issues for our project last week, and interestingly the profiler shows boxing operation (allocation of char) happened inside a method that c...



想起来在Wordpress.com还开过一个博客,时间很短,只持续了3个月不到,三篇而已。 回顾了一下时间线,适逢酝酿从旧公司离开,几个月后换了个城市开始新工作的时期。新工作开始后迎来一段全新并极为忙碌的旅程,说好的博客也没有再继续下去。 彼时各方面有些停滞,心境的变化流于表面的大约体现在这几句话了。 以前在CSDN有个Blog,前后两年多写了不少技术文章,至今也有四年多没有更新...

Unity Container (3) Property Container

Advanced Unity Container usages

1. The Problem In the previous post we talked about Reflection.Emit being the best option to implicitly implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, with several points that can be i...

Unity Container (2) Implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface

Advanced Unity Container usages

1. The problem The INotifyPropertyChanged interface is probably one of the most famous interfaces in the interface oriented programing history. It has been used extensively almost every...

Unity Container (1) Injecting type aware ILogger

Advanced Unity Container usages

Many large scale applications adopt the concept of IoC, it’s especially useful in terms of component de-coupling and writing reusable codes. Among all of the IoC containers on the mar...

Handle Task Exceptions Gracefully


1. The Problem When using Tasks on .net platform, exception handling is one of most common problems for developers to deal with. In this blog, however, instead of talking about topics l...


A reusable GUI component for Task execution

1. The Problem During application development we often see some patterns can be reused. For example, in a WPF application we send some async calls to a background Task to execute withou...


ToolTip Binding with StringFormat

1. The problem ToolTip binding is one of the common problems of WPF applications. For example, the binding source has a Int32 property Number, its value can be positive or negative, bas...

关闭 'Resource not found' 警告

Turn off 'Resource not found' trace log

1. The problem When working with WPF applications, it’s common to see logs like below in the Output window of the debugger (Visual Studio, Rider, etc). 1 System.Windows.ResourceDiction...


WPF Best Practices

1. 问题 UI编程中的一个常见场景是根据上下文把某些控件设置为不可用状态,比如这个并不恰当的例子。 在M-V-VM的语境下最简单的实现方法是在ViewModel中添加一个与所绑定的值属性对应的属性,比如TextBox的Text属性绑定到ViewModel的Name属性,那么TextBox的IsEnabled属性就绑定到ViewModel的IsNameEnabled属性,如下所示: ...